Who Heads Johnsonville?
-As Hoff, Berry Hoist Separate Flags


By: Natoe Jallah


Monrovia, Liberia

Distributed by

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

Posted May 8, 2006


The long-standing leadership crisis within Johnsonville Township is far from being over as residents are in doubt about who is currently in charge.

According to survey conducted by this paper, it was discovered that the leadership struggle between Rev. Emmett Hoff and Joseph Berry has deepened to the extent that both men are hoisting two flags at their respective locations as each of them claims to be the legitimate appointee.

Reports also revealed that in the wake of this leadership crisis, crime rate is on the increase especially rape, fighting and the unlawful sale of private land, thereby causing residents to live in constant fear without any action taken by both opposing Commissioners.

Residents in the township told The FORUM that before President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Government came into office, Mr. Berry was inducted into office as Commissioner by former Superintendent for Montserrado County, Josephine Frances, something that did not go down well with Rev. Hoff at the time who was then put into office by Lusene Massalay, former LURD Representative at the defunct National Transitional Legislative Assembly at the time.

When our reporter visited Mr. Berry recently at his Mount Barclay Office, he noted that he is the legitimate person in charge of the township leadership and warned Rev. Hoff to avoid putting up the country’s flag at his residence. He also admonished people not to do business with him because Rev. Hoff is not a Commissioner.

Commissioner Berry stressed that his major concern is to tackle the many problems existing in the township which have to do with bad roads, health care, education, among others.

The confusion engulfed the township’s leadership when some residents of Lower Johnsonville petitioned Rev. Hoff who was never inducted into office by the former superintendent. Rev. Emmanuel Shaw was then asked to continue steering the affairs of the township until an elected government.

For his part, Rev. Hoff told The FORUM that as long as the flag is being hoisted at his residence as was done in the past, he is still the commissioner.

At the same time, residents of the township are calling on the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf –led Government to immediately look into the leadership crisis that might lead into violence and total collapse of law and order.

© 2006: This article is copyrighted by the Forum newspaper (Monrovia, Liberia) and distributed by The Perspective (Atlanta, Georgia). All rights reserved. Forum can reached at: Forum@theperspective.org