MDCL and LDI Join Hands on Liberia

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

May 3, 2003

We, the Movement for Democratic Change in Liberia (MDCL) and The Liberian Democracy Initiative (LDI), meeting in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, realizing the declining social, economic and political conditions in Liberia,

And whereas, resulting from the impact of the senseless civil war on the Liberians at home and in the diaspora,

Whereas, the present government’s continuous crackdown on press freedom,

Whereas, the continuous abuse of human rights with impunity by the Liberian government under the leadership of the NPP led government in Liberia,

Whereas, the continuous unlawful arrest, detention, torture and disappearance of politicians, journalists and human rights activists,

Whereas, the refusal of the Liberian government and LURD to engage in genuine negotiations thereby imposing untold sufferings on the already devastated Liberian population,

Whereas, the opposition political parties have failed to ably articulate the national interests and concerns of the Liberian people,

Whereas, the proliferation of political parties is being equated with political maturity,

The Movement for Democratic Change in Liberia (MDCL) and The Liberian Democracy Initiative (LDI) resolve to collaborate our efforts in the following areas:

· To work together in identifying and finding solutions to these problems that have plagued our nation for so long,

· To establish a fund to support and protect democracy and human rights in Liberia,

· To ensure the reinstitution of democratic values and principles in the Liberian society, and

· To encourage the political parties and civic organizations to work together to foster genuine democratic values and good governance in Liberia.

Issued on this 26th Day of April in the year 2003 in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States of America.


Nohn Rebecca Kidau Varney A. Yengbeh, Jr.

President, MDCL Executive Director, LDI