Sinoe County Association Holds Second National Convention

By Tewroh-Wehtoe Sungbeh

The Perspective

July 30, 2001

Professor Edmund Nah Kloh of Langston University in Oklahoma, and Zac Taylor Major - the latter a former student of the professor is president of the Sinoe County Association in the Americas. Both of them seemed to be riding on the same plane when they spoke about unity, and the dire need to rebuild and revitalize basic services in their county. Citizens of that county came from almost all areas of the United States and met in Charlotte, North Carolina during the week of July 13 -16, 2001, to discuss issues affecting Sinoe County.

This was the second National Convention of the Sinoe Association. Last year, the association held its first convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Delegates arrived enmasse with enthusiasm and a sense of oneness which sought of eclipsed any potential sign of dissension that could have derailed the convention. Absent also was any sign of animosity towards the sons and daughters of their county and others who destroyed their sacred grounds and homes in the name of liberation. People from that county, like most Liberians affected by the civil war fled to Ivory Coast and other countries for safety.

But the delegation at that conference buried their differences for a reason. They wanted peace. Because without peace their dream to rebuild and revitalized crumbling infrastructures in Sinoe County wouldn't be a reality. And that talk of peace brought wonders. There were tears in some quarters during the convention, and joy in other quarters. There was also a sense of overwhelming euphoria, which extended even deep into pocketbooks and wallets, as delegates contributed financially, making that convention a heck of a success story. Though financial report is still pending, it is estimated that well over $12,000.00 was raised.

A scholarship fund was set up by the wife and children of the late James Saydee Tiah, former Assistant Superintendent of Sinoe County, honoring the memory of their late father and husband. That scholarship funds will be used to assist poor and disadvantaged kids with tuition. The association has also established two additional funds: The David G. Bing & Eugine Greene Health Fund, and the Moses S. Pajibo & Jacob Slah Educational Fund.

In previous years, the Sinoe County Association in the Americas, like its counterparts sprouting all over the United States has been trivial in their deliberations, touristic in nature, and operated from a social perspective, with no defined goals and objectives.

But in contrast, "Charlotte 2001," however, was a success because there was that resounding plea for unity, hope and reconstruction. There is a defined objective which gave me a renewed sense of optimism and a change of direction.

Because of their outlook on local, sectional, regional and neighborhood issues affecting their part of Liberia, their unique ability to raise funds have made those mini-associations, including the Sinoe County Association in the Americas enormously popular, and positioned them, I concluded, to be a potent force, and a voice to reckon with in Liberian politics in the not too distant future.

In his address to the delegates, Dr. Edmund Nah Kloh reminded his audience about his humble beginning, challenged them to do something that will benefit their people, while admonishing them at the same time not to forget God. "Let us love one another," because love, according to the guest speaker is the "by-product of unity."

At one time during his speech, Kloh, the educator told his audience about the need to build a junior college in Sinoe County, and the renovation of Sinoe High School. Adding, "education is the best weapon."

President Zac Taylor Major who wept publicly when he narrated a sad story about the death of a friend at the Francis J. Grant Hospital in Greenville, Sinoe County, because of inadequate health care, or no health care at all reemphasized the need to fund and revitalized the only hospital in that city. Mr. Taylor also made education a priority, citing the need to help Sinoe High and Demonstration Elementatry Schools.

Meanwhile the National Krao, (Kru) Association meets in Ft Lauderdale, Florida during the labor day weekend of 2001. The United Nimba Citizen's Council, (UNICO) will also be meeting. There is a Bassa Association, a Cape Mount County Association, and countless ethnic and school groupings.

Are these mini-associations any help or part of the problem? You make the call.

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